

import websocket, asyncnet, asyncdispatch

let ws = waitFor newAsyncWebsocketClient("localhost", Port(8080),
  path = "/", protocols = @["myfancyprotocol"])
echo "connected!"

proc ping() {.async.} =
  while true:
    await sleepAsync(6000)
    echo "ping"
    await ws.sendPing()

proc read() {.async.} =
  while true:
    let (opcode, data) = await ws.readData()
    echo "(opcode: ", opcode, ", data: ", data, ")"

asyncCheck read()
asyncCheck ping()


WebsocketUserAgent = "websocket.nim ("
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proc newAsyncWebsocketClient(uri: Uri; client: AsyncHttpClient;
                            protocols: seq[string] = @[]): Future[AsyncWebSocket] {...}{.
    raises: [Exception, ValueError, FutureError],
    tags: [TimeEffect, ReadIOEffect, RootEffect].}
Create a new websocket and connect immediately. Optionally give a list of protocols to negotiate; keep empty to accept the one the server offers (if any). The negotiated protocol is in AsyncWebSocket.protocol.   Source Edit
proc newAsyncWebsocketClient(uri: Uri;
                            additionalHeaders: seq[(string, string)] = @[];
                            protocols: seq[string] = @[];
                            userAgent: string = WebsocketUserAgent;
                            sslContext: SslContext = getDefaultSsl()): Future[
    AsyncWebSocket] {...}{.raises: [KeyError, Exception, ValueError, FutureError],
                     tags: [TimeEffect, ReadIOEffect, RootEffect].}
  Source Edit
proc newAsyncWebsocketClient(uri: string;
                            additionalHeaders: seq[(string, string)] = @[];
                            protocols: seq[string] = @[];
                            userAgent: string = WebsocketUserAgent;
                            sslContext: SslContext = getDefaultSsl()): Future[
    AsyncWebSocket] {...}{.raises: [KeyError, Exception, ValueError, FutureError],
                     tags: [TimeEffect, ReadIOEffect, RootEffect].}
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proc newAsyncWebsocketClient(host: string; port: Port; path: string; ssl = false;
                            additionalHeaders: seq[(string, string)] = @[];
                            protocols: seq[string] = @[];
                            userAgent: string = WebsocketUserAgent;
                            sslContext: SslContext = getDefaultSsl()): Future[
    AsyncWebSocket] {...}{.raises: [KeyError, Exception, ValueError, FutureError],
                     tags: [TimeEffect, ReadIOEffect, RootEffect].}
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