Module shared


ProtocolError* = object of Exception
Opcode* {.pure.} = enum          ## 
  Cont = 0x00000000,            ## Continued Frame (when the previous was fin = 0)
  Text = 0x00000001,            ## Text frames need to be valid UTF-8
  Binary = 0x00000002,          ## Binary frames can be anything.
  Close = 0x00000008,           ## Socket is being closed by the remote, or we intend to close it.
  Ping = 0x00000009,            ## Ping
  Pong = 0x0000000A             ## Pong. Needs to echo back the app data in ping.
Frame* = tuple[fin: bool,        ## Last frame in current packet.
             rsv1: bool,       ## Extension data: negotiated in http prequel, or 0.
             rsv2: bool,       ## Extension data: negotiated in http prequel, or 0.
             rsv3: bool,       ## Extension data: negotiated in http prequel, or 0.
             masked: bool, ## If the frame was received masked/is supposed to be masked.
                         ## Do not mask data yourself.
             opcode: Opcode,   ## The opcode of this frame.
             data: string]
A frame read off the netlayer.   Source


proc makeFrame*(f: Frame): string
Generate valid websocket frame data, ready to be sent over the wire. This is useful for rolling your own impl, for example with AsyncHttpServer   Source
proc makeFrame*(opcode: Opcode; data: string; masked: bool): string
A convenience shorthand.   Source
proc recvFrame*(ws: AsyncSocket): Future[Frame] {.async.}

Read a full frame off the given socket.

You probably want to use the higher-level variant, readData.

proc readData*(ws: AsyncSocket; isClientSocket: bool): Future[
    tuple[opcode: Opcode, data: string]] {.async.}

Reads reassembled data off the websocket and give you joined frame data.

Note: You will still see control frames, but they are all handled for you (Ping/Pong, Cont, Close, and so on).

The only ones you need to care about are Opcode.Text and Opcode.Binary, the so-called application frames.

As per the websocket specifications, all clients need to mask their responses. It is up to you to to set isClientSocket with a proper value, depending on if you are reading from a server or client socket.

Will raise IOError when the socket disconnects and ProtocolError on any websocket-related issues.

proc sendText*(ws: AsyncSocket; p: string; masked: bool): Future[void] {.async.}
Sends text data. Will only return after all data has been sent out.   Source
proc sendBinary*(ws: AsyncSocket; p: string; masked: bool): Future[void] {.async.}
Sends binary data. Will only return after all data has been sent out.   Source
proc sendPing*(ws: AsyncSocket; masked: bool; token: string = ""): Future[void] {.async.}
Sends a WS ping message. Will generate a suitable token if you do not provide one.   Source